
FitWorld Productions was launched during a sailing trip to the Virgin islands with the late Greg Plitt – an icon in the fitness industry who will live forever in our memories.

Since that first photo journey there have been numerous excursions world-wide including many well-known fitness models and top notch photographers including Cory Sorensen, Luis Rafael, David Vance, Michael Downs, Edwin Lebron, Jason Ellis and Mark Jenkins.

FWP offers an opportunity for models and professional photographers to take part in shoots in exotic, luxury settings. We provide the opportunity for established photographers to work with top fitness talent in a relaxed environment. The casual and fun atmosphere encourages creativity and offers a unique collaboration in an extraordinary setting.

The models represent the elite of the fitness modeling industry. They’re in excellent shape, but without being over exaggerated. Most of the FitWorld models are well established, but there’s room for new talent with great potential to network and build their portfolios.

By utilizing a wide range of photographers, models, and locations, we bring a unique perspective to fitness imagery.

FWP is building working relationships with companies focused on fitness products & endorsements, clothing, and healthy foods & beverages. We also offer a platform for the travel industry, and resorts that cater to a healthy lifestyle.

If you’re interested in finding out more, please contact us at info@fitworldproductions.com